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Chance Barrett

Board Director

Flathead County/Private Sector
Since 1/2017 - Expires 6/2023

Board Director 

Lincoln County/Private Sector

Since 12/2013 - Expires 6/2023

Robin Haidle

Laura Burrowes

Board Secretary/Treasurer

Lake County/Private Sector
Since 10/2005 - Expires 6/2024

Alecia Davis

Board Director

Sanders County/Private Sector
Since 2/2023 - Expires 6/2024

Wendy Nissen

Board President

Flathead County/Low Income Sector
Since 10/2017 - Expires 6/2024

Donna Martin

Board Director

Lincoln County/Low Income Sector
Since 2/2020 - Expires 6/2025

Steve Stanley

Board Vice President

Lake County/Public Sector
Since 08/2021 - Expires 06/2023

John Holland

Board Director

Sanders County/Public Sector
Since 2/2023 - Expires 6/2023

Board Director

Flathead County/Public Sector
Since 2/2020 - Expires 6/2025

Click "Open Position" if interested

Jim Hammons

Board Director

Lincoln County/Public Sector
Since 2/2023 - Expires 6/2024

Board Director

Lake County/Low Income Sector

Term Expires 06/2025

Click "Open Position" if interested

Jamie Quinn

Board Director

Sanders County/Low Income Sector

Since 10/2019 - Expires 6/2025

"This project is funded in whole, or in part, under a Contract with the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services." 

"The statements herein do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department."

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